Monday, September 10, 2012

Opening Session Monday 8:30

9/10/12 - General Session

Relentless  pursuit of programmatic efficiencies through innovation of Florida's central region ACCESS program - Panel Discussion

William D'Aiuto - central region headquarters in Orlando - 16 counties - 4.4 million in population - 1700 staff - 1.1 million clients in region - 
Phillip Scarpelli - 6 regions statewide - diverse populations - tourist based economy - June 2012, state has 3.4 million clients - 12th highest in nation for unemployment at 8.5% - 3rd highest in foreclosure rate - In '03-'04 reduction in staff to 817 FTE and at the same time had significant caseload growth
Jorge Martinez - aggressive modernization with standardized processes statewide.  Required changes to policies.  Was a transition to process center & store fronts which established a paradigm shift with establishment of community partners which created a network. 
applications accepted at store fronts then shifted to processing center - community partners established which assisted clients with applications
Sharron Washington - 65% of staff telecommute through Adobe connect software product online meetings & training - Have virtual policy consultants which were created in 2006 who answers questions for front line staff who use Adobe connect via chat rooms - ask questions and gain answers - Also have virtual intake units with standardized process & consistent practices - able to gain efficiencies in that staff were redirected to processing - reduced customer service call time - repurpose 20% of intake staff - reduced hold time by 72% - reduced call abandonment rate by 64% - reduced telephone interview time by 23% - $167,000 projected annual cost savings 
William D'aiuto- community partner enhancements  - community partner with a shared vision - awarded a 3 yr grant with FNS - State provided technological resources - collaborated with 2 partners with mobile units - developed operations manual with resources - trained a diverse group of volunteers - special unit for partners to call in for technical support needs - 
9.5 days application average turn around - QC error rate dropped from 7% to less than 1%
Brian Donohoe - Alaska - has been involved in lean and case management work - focus how to do a lot more with a lot less - process mgm't was way to go - 530 staff - caseworkers 300 statewide - legacy system  for eligibility 3 days for 80% of cases - 
Jeri Flora - Florida - central region is shining star of state - loves to do new things - She started in 2007 in Florida - believes Florida is a progressive state - revamped QC - corrective action involves examining data - understanding it and taking action - solutions can create new problems - constant work - goal is to provide good customer service
Kaye Craft - south carolina - SNAP and TANF only - not medical programs - regionalized specialist work - high caseload growth and reduction in staff - developed efficiencies to improve service delivery - SCOSA system is universal caseload system - cases were scanned into virtual case files developed in 2009 and rolled out in 2010 - casework was equalized - 2012 regionalized specialized casework - applications, recertifications, semi-annual reports - has masters who specialize in one area available for assistance and training -  responsible management is a "must" at all levels - QC is working on ways to assign responsibility for problems - 
Larry Goolsby - questions - 
Q: Julie from Michigan - more info about community partners.  do you pay them? -A:  William from Florida -  750ish partners - vary - faith based, pantries, etc.  work form small mom and pop to very large groups - Jorge from Florida - some are paid/reimbursed.  may fund internet access or provide a computer 
Jean from Maine - training for community partners?- A: Jorge from Florida - yes, make sure they have tools and contact details - usually about a day but may be longer - has liaisons for community who recruit and train - A: Jeri from Florida -serve as primary contact for community partners - keep them informed of program changes - will be introducing scanners for community partners and will be providing conversion training for them
Q:Chris from Illinois - waiver for community partners in order to determine eligibility? A: Jeri - community partners only take application but merit staff determine eligibility - community partners interview clients following template and ask clients to provide verifications
Q:Carol from Iowa - reduced time for telephone interviews, how did you determine?  looking for tips on how it as reduced - A:Sharron from Florida - staff are very flexible with an interview script - tracked by software - can shift staff as needed based upon demand - supervisors can monitor calls to ensure quality
Q: what program is used for call system? A: William from Florida - vive call system - has 3 call systems presently -  Wayne is contact point for Florida - 450 -500 staff total - pat live is contract vendor - automated voice software for basic inquires - tracks calls by client's SSN and phone numbers - 3.6 million calls per month with 65% handled by VRU.  is developing a new system where call will interface with legacy system to provide basic case details.  
A:Kaye from South Carolina - call center was overwhelmed - last week they developed a system were the client was provided with a pass code when calling in to more readily identify the reason for the call and to sort interviews from inquiries from change reporters
Q:  Rosie from Idaho - streamlining of policy? A: Jeri - always looking for ways to simplify policy - Presently they align TANF and SNAP certification periods and auto close refugee cases (8 month program) - working through legislature to align TANF and SNAP disqualification process -
Q:Larry from APHSA - where are you with aligning with HCR? A:Brian from Alaska - so much being discussed right now - 
A: Jeri from Florida - there are more questions than answers right now
Q: Virginia from CA - percentage of TANF clients on SNAP? A: Brian from Alaska - thinks it is about 30% - A: Kaye from SC- SC is less due to reduction of TANF caseload - A:  Jeri from Florida - agrees with kaye
Q:  Larry from APHSA - where is Alaska in automation? A: Brian from Alaska - bandwidth is an issue for Alaska due to remote locations - there is no resolution for this and is a huge challenge - partnering with university system who has best network.

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